J.A.M. has been blessed and wishes to continue to pay it forward FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE.

To do so we need your help! We are strongly committed to serving all city youth in and outside

of the many churches of the area. Churches and the body of believers play a key part in

spreading the Good News of the Lord through the Youth-oriented ministry of J.A.M. We need

you to join us in spreading the Good News and do a new thing in Christ Jesus, serving, teaching and mentoring our youth and young adults. All proceeds go to providing honorariums/fees for our guests (local and/or national), feeding the youth and young adults, cost to rent the after the worship service venues and a love offering to our host church. J.A.M. operates solely and depends on volunteers and their time to bring the vision and mission of J.A.M. to fruition each year.

If you choose to donate by, check only: Make checks payable to:

Central New Development Corporation (fiduciary)

Mail the check to Central Baptist Church -

2200 Wylie Avene - Pittsburgh, PA 15219 -

Attention: Rita Grigsby